By MoneySense Staff on April 30, 2010 Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Best Places to Live 2010
By MoneySense Staff on April 30, 2010 Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Check out how your own community rated and why.
MoneySense’s Best Places to Live is based on data compiled from 179 Canadian cities and towns with populations over 10,000 people. We rated cities based on climate, prosperity, access to healthcare, home affordability, crime rates and lifestyle with subcategories in each area. Being the best in one category does not improve a city’s chances — a city has to score well in all categories to come out on top. Our top city, Ottawa, captured 73.5 out of a possible 105 points. Check out how your own community rated and why.
Canada’s 25 top places to live are located across our country from Yellowknife in the north to Windsor on the southern U.S. border, and from Victoria to St. John’s. Navigate across the country and view these great cities. Click open each location and see the city’s rating in different categories and why it is a great place to settle.
How to use the Best Places List
Click through the different categories to find out how the cities performed. To download full spreadsheets click here