
Financial Independence


Maxed out your TFSA and RRSP? Here’s where to put cash

Maxed out your TFSA and RRSP? Here’s where to put cash
Couple in their 30s smile while reviewing a financial statement.

The Fourth Estate

What does high inflation mean for your retirement savings?

How high inflation affects investments, and what you can do to minimize the impact on your retirement savings.

What does high inflation mean for your retirement savings?


A smiling young woman holds a camera in a studio

Self Employment

How much should I charge for freelance services?

If you’ve started a freelance business or side hustle, find out how much to invoice, plus tips for filing...

How much should I charge for freelance services?
Photo of Chris Guillebeau

My MoneySense

Chris Guillebeau on Gonzo Capitalism, his $100,000 side hustle, and why average isn’t good enough

The best-selling author is back with a guide to the creative ways that people—including himself—are earning money in this...

Chris Guillebeau on Gonzo Capitalism, his $100,000 side hustle, and why average isn’t good enough


Kristine Beese in front of a mural saying "Believe We Can"

My MoneySense

Untangled Money’s Kristine Beese on why financial plans aren’t gender-neutral

Kristine Beese, founder and CEO of Untangle Money, has redesigned financial planning with women’s needs in mind. We asked...

Untangled Money’s Kristine Beese on why financial plans aren’t gender-neutral
Two people with backpacks stand facing a mountain and lake, making a heart with their hands

Credit Cards

Are you getting the most out of your credit card rewards?

Are you getting the most out of your credit card rewards?
A young man wearing a hoodie, sitting on his couch is looking inquisitively at his laptop, wondering how he should remain a long-term investor within a bear market

Ask MoneySense

Bear markets: What’s a long-term investor supposed to do right now?

As we continue our way out of the pandemic, with inflation and dramatic market fluctuations, what is a long-term...

Bear markets: What’s a long-term investor supposed to do right now?
grey-haired man studying on couch


MoneySense Live: Using ETFs to cultivate financial independence

Learn more about ETF investing from Jonathan Chevreau at his World of ETF Investing Canada Virtual Expo talk, Sept....

MoneySense Live: Using ETFs to cultivate financial independence


older couple dancing in their living room

Financial Planning

Fresh takes on the challenges facing baby boomers as they approach retirement

Our columnist reviews The Boomers Retire, a new book that fills the growing knowledge gap about retirement income among...

Fresh takes on the challenges facing baby boomers as they approach retirement

