Bring back the $10,000 TFSA
Canadians are paying hundreds more in taxes due to removal of boutique credits
Canadians are paying hundreds more in taxes due to removal of boutique credits
READ: Opening a TFSA at your bankSo how can Canadians reverse this assumption, widely held on the part of the political class, that raising taxes is a safe policy? Answer: Press for the return of the $10,000 Tax Free Savings Account, and do so in a high-profile way that politicians can’t ignore. On the TFSA, recall that in 2016 the new Liberal government in Ottawa dropped the annual amount Canadians could invest in their TFSAs to just $5,500 (where the limit remains now) from $10,000. There was little reason for the Grinch approach to personal and family savings. It was especially egregious given that the new government also committed to raise Canada Pension Plan premiums. In other words, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Bill Morneau were happy to force Canadians to save more for retirement through the CPP, but not allow us to do so through the freedom of our TFSAs.
READ: Calculate your TFSA contribution roomBut whether it’s a taxpayer advocacy group, a policy institute, a coalition akin to the one now fighting proposed changes to private corporations, opposition Conservatives and New Democrats, or even a more tax-reduction friendly government such as Quebec, the idea of a $10,000 TFSA should be a positive rallying point for many reasons. For one, total taxes as a percentage of Canada’s economy are higher now than they were in the 1970s, the last time a Trudeau was in office. Back then, total taxes and fees as a percentage of GDP never rose above 38.1 per cent of the economy. At one point, early in Pierre Trudeau’s reign, that figure was 35.2 per cent. In contrast, in 2015, the most recent year for which statistics are available, the figure was 38.6 per cent. Given the multiple tax hikes in 2016 and 2017 and perhaps even more to come in 2018, I suspect that percentage will grow. As will tax fatigue and a desire for taxpayer-friendly policies. That statistical reality and the apparent political presumption that Canadians—whether high income or middle income—are potential sheep to be sheared, means a campaign to revive the $10,000 TFSA might be popular.
MORE: Should you go all in on REITs in your TFSA?The logic of that objection is weak. The “loss” of tax revenue from non-taxable capital gains won’t show up for years and decades in any substantial way. The PBO’s 2015-era estimate of the revenue loss to governments (or better stated, the gain for taxpayers) from a $10,000 TFSA was $550 million by 2020, rising to an extra $3.1 billion by 2030. Governments have plenty of time to balance their books to prepare for such “losses”. Start with cuts to corporate welfare and reform of compensation f government employees. After that, there will be room aplenty for minor revenue “losses” from non-taxable TFSA gains in years ahead. Ultimately, those who object to a $10,000 TFSA place the responsibility on the wrong people: taxpayers in general, who are expected to fund any and all politically-desired expenditures. Instead, the obligation should be on politicians to more carefully control their spending: With apologies to MTV, I want my $10,000 TFSA (back)! I suspect many other Canadians do as well. Mark Milke is author of Tax Me I’m Canadian: Your Money and How Politicians Spend It. ORE ABOUT TFSAs:
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