Are interest payments tax deductible?
Interest paid may be tax deductible under the right circumstances. Find out which scenario might apply to you.
Interest paid may be tax deductible under the right circumstances. Find out which scenario might apply to you.
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Thanks Jason. Always insightful.
Can you advise on how the Smith Manueuvre fits into rendering mortgage payments tax deductible in Quebec?
He cannot.
Excellent article,
I was curious if CRA would allow interest expense (line 12000) claimed by the chid that used parent’s HELOC to borrow funds and invest in eligible Canadian dividend stocks? Child paid the interest expense on the amount borrowed and there was direct money trail from parent’s HELOC to child’s investment account to purchase eligible stocks.
If I borrow the money from my line of credit for the down payment of 20% and the remaining 80% is mortgage separately for a rental unit, can I claim the interest for the Line of credit (LOC) and the mortgage interest from the 80% both added up? Thanks.