Engine oil treatments are usually a waste
You’re better off sticking with a brand-name lubricant and passing on the additional treatments.
You’re better off sticking with a brand-name lubricant and passing on the additional treatments.
Q: “My repair shop is recommending an engine oil treatment to go with my vehicle service. Should I pay more for the extra protection I was told it provides?”
—Frank Gallo, Halifax
A: Additives that go into the engine oil are generally a waste of money. This includes additives that are supposed to remove deposits inside the engine just before you change the oil. You’re better off sticking with a brand-name lubricant and passing on the additional treatments. Most customers do not realize that service advisers in repair shops usually receive a cut from the sale of these products, or may win prizes for being the shop’s top seller of additives. Engine oil additives usually add from $10 to $40 to the cost of an oil change.
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