
April 2011

Save money on kids’ expenses

Raising children is an expensive endeavour. Here are 7 ways to cut your child-related costs.

Save money on kids’ expenses


Save money on teacher’s gifts

Can you believe the school year is almost over? Now it's time to thank your kid’s teacher for all...

Save money on teacher’s gifts


Perfect home and still no offers

In the world of real estate, a comparison house is a property used to extol the benefits of other,...

Perfect home and still no offers

Canadian Couch Potato

Letting You In On a Big Secret

Joel Greenblatt has a sense of humour—I’ll grant him that. In The Big Secret for the Small Investor (Wiley,...

Letting You In On a Big Secret




Canadians love timbits, hockey and … debt

Debt grew about $1000/Canadian compared with same time last year

Canadians love timbits, hockey and … debt

April 2011

Slash your food costs now

A large portion of your expenses goes towards food. Here's how to cut hundreds of dollars from your monthly...

Slash your food costs now


Keep cool, save money

According to the 2007 Survey of Household Energy Use, more than 50% of us now have air conditioners in...

Keep cool, save money


Is your financial planner qualified?

Coalition attempts to regulate financial planners

Is your financial planner qualified?



Most Canadians enjoy retirement

Retirees still wish they’d saved more, started earlier

Most Canadians enjoy retirement
