
Canadian Couch Potato

Tracking Errors on US and International ETFs

The table below shows the tracking error of U.S. and international equity ETFs in 2010. To make sure you...

Tracking Errors on US and International ETFs

Shopping and you

Cardholder agreements are written plainly for a reason. Ignore them at your peril. and you


When saving money isn’t saving

People are very confused about how to make their savings stay put. Hey, if you're saving the money, you...

When saving money isn’t saving

Canadian Couch Potato

Tracking Errors on Canadian ETFs

An index fund’s tracking error is the difference between the return of the fund and the return of its...

Tracking Errors on Canadian ETFs




Pay yourself first vs. draw up a budget

Which one is right for you?

Pay yourself first vs. draw up a budget


Get help with your taxes

Availability of adept professionals and affordable software means there's no need to play guessing games with your taxes.

Get help with your taxes

Super Saver

Appliances that save money

When's the last time you thought about the energy requirements of your appliances?

Appliances that save money

Canadian Couch Potato

How to Track Down Tracking Error

How do you measure the performance of an index fund? That sounds like a simple question, but it’s one...

How to Track Down Tracking Error


RRSP Guide: When

RRIFing with your savings

There's a low minimum amount you must take out of RRIF each year.

RRIFing with your savings
