

Diversify your investments

Protect your investments — and catch upward market swings — by diversifying your portfolio.

Diversify your investments


Teaching children to save money

Saving comes naturally to some people. Not so much for others. And so it is with children.

Teaching children to save money

Canadian Couch Potato

The Couch Potato’s 10-Year Report Card

I’m regularly asked why I don’t provide performance data for my Model Portfolios. It’s a fair question, but unfortunately,...

The Couch Potato’s 10-Year Report Card


National housing resale activity holds steady

March resale rates similar to February.

National housing resale activity holds steady



April 2011

How to plan a funeral

Making important decisions amidst grief can be difficult. Here are some tips to ease the pain.

How to plan a funeral


The joy & savings of simple pleasures

Have you ever noticed how much you enjoy your first beer and how indifferent you are to your fourth?

The joy & savings of simple pleasures

April 2011

Financial lessons from the stars

They're no better with money than you or I, they just have more to lose.

Financial lessons from the stars


3 money saving tips

It’s easy to set a savings goal. “I want to save $40,000 for a down payment on a home.”...

3 money saving tips


Canadian Couch Potato

More New ETFs on the Horizon

The ETF market just keeps on growing. A couple of new products from Horizons focus on US-dollar investments, and...

More New ETFs on the Horizon
