
Dec/Jan 2010

Embrace your adviser

Your adviser is the key to financial success. In order to maximize your relationship, you need to lay it...

Embrace your adviser

Canadian Couch Potato

Finding your personal rate of return

One of my favourite tales of investment stupidity is the story of the Beardstown Ladies. This group of grannies...

Finding your personal rate of return

Dec/Jan 2010

Five rules that can change your life

Old habits die hard. But it is possible to change your approach to money. Here's how.

Five rules that can change your life


Feds, provinces agree on private pension solution

Provinces drop insistence on expanded CPP, back Pooled Registered Pension Plans.

Feds, provinces agree on private pension solution



Dec/Jan 2010

Five reasons to love tech funds again

A lot has changed since Nortel. Valuations are reasonable now, and technology offers solid growth in an unpromising market.

Five reasons to love tech funds again

Credit Cards

Retailers push back against credit card fees

Canadian merchants fed up, plan to push the benefits of cash and debit.

Retailers push back against credit card fees


Do you know how your adviser gets paid?

A few questions can go a long way.

Do you know how your adviser gets paid?

Dec/Jan 2010

When diamonds aren’t forever

Many jewellers allow you to 'upgrade' your diamond for a new and bigger one. But make sure you get...

When diamonds aren’t forever



Flaherty looks to private sector for pension reform

Expanded CPP looks to be off the table.

Flaherty looks to private sector for pension reform
