

If you offer it they will save

Budget too tight to save? Now you have no excuse.

If you offer it they will save

Canadian Couch Potato

Rick Ferri’s Take on Gold

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Rick Ferri, founder of Portfolio Solutions, an investment management firm in Troy,...

Rick Ferri’s Take on Gold


Six steps to a wealthy retirement

Confused about how much to save? Follow these six simple steps to a comfortable retirement

Six steps to a wealthy retirement


Yes, you paid too much for your house

But it's ok, unless you have a house in Hong Kong too.

Yes, you paid too much for your house




The smart way to save for school

With a Couch Potato RESP, you’ll get low-fee growth, and free money from the government. I call it ‘taters...

The smart way to save for school


Women more conservative investors?

We've heard about research suggesting that women are less confident investors. They may be more conservative as well.

Women more conservative investors?


Can Cramer really pick stocks?

The high-strung stock picker was recently humbled by John Stewart, but research suggests a method to his madness.

Can Cramer really pick stocks?

Canadian Couch Potato

The 50-Percent Solution

Investing can seem so complicated. Building a portfolio can involve dozens of decisions, each of which seems terribly important....

The 50-Percent Solution


Canadian Couch Potato

To Hedge or Not to Hedge

Last week I wrote about whether US-listed ETFs are really cheaper once you account for currency exchange fees, and...

To Hedge or Not to Hedge
