

Inflation dips, but HST still an impact

Canada's inflation rate is only just beginning to drop after a massive spike in July that accompanied the introduction...

Inflation dips, but HST still an impact

Canadian Couch Potato

BMO’s Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Since Bank of Montreal entered the ETF business in May 2009, it has managed to grab only a tiny...

BMO’s Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing


Pimco to launch funds in Canada

Bond giant will target the retail market.

Pimco to launch funds in Canada


Find the perfect real estate agent

You can pay $24,000 in commissions to sell a $400,000 home. For that kind of money, the advice better...

Find the perfect real estate agent



Canadian Couch Potato

Taking ETFs to the Next Dimension

This month I began writing what I hope will be a regular series of articles in Canadian MoneySaver. For...

Taking ETFs to the Next Dimension

Magazine Archive

Kids crimping on your retirement? Cut ’em free

If your live-at-home son’s motorcycle trumps your RRSP, it’s time to say goodbye.

Kids crimping on your retirement? Cut ’em free


CRA targets tax shelters

170,000 Canadians audited for alleged bogus charity donations.

CRA targets tax shelters

Canadian Couch Potato

Dollar-Cost Averaging With ETFs: Part 2

In yesterday’s post, I introduced a reader’s idea for overcoming the main drawback of exchange-traded funds. Donald plans to...

Dollar-Cost Averaging With ETFs: Part 2


Canadian Couch Potato

Dollar-Cost Averaging With ETFs: Part 1

One of the most common questions I hear from budding Couch Potatoes is, “Should I use index mutual funds...

Dollar-Cost Averaging With ETFs: Part 1
