
Real Estate

Best Deals in Real Estate: Regina

Regina is a great place to buy a home for one good reason: the city has plenty of jobs...

Best Deals in Real Estate: Regina

Canadian Couch Potato

Build Your Own Pension-Fund Portfolio

It’s always interesting to know what the smart money is doing. And I’m not talking about the investment managers...

Build Your Own Pension-Fund Portfolio

Credit Cards

Maximizing reward points

Double-dip on points by presenting a retailer's card while paying with credit.

Maximizing reward points


Win (or more likely lose) money playing video games

A new chance to pocket some extra money has been brought to the market in the form of Virgin...

Win (or more likely lose) money playing video games




Mandatory pension increases needed, says Flaherty

As finance ministers meet today in Charlottetown, Flaherty says change will be slow but inevitable

Mandatory pension increases needed, says Flaherty


Thinking about retirement? Think again

Yet another poll indicates that many Canadians are unready for retirement.

Thinking about retirement? Think again


Survey says: many advisers lack integrity

Canadian CFAs rank advisers poorly on ethics; complaints against advisers at record levels

Survey says: many advisers lack integrity

Canadian Couch Potato

9 Secrets of the Empowered Investor, Part 3

This post is the third of three that outline nine critical factors in investment success, as identified by Keith...

9 Secrets of the Empowered Investor, Part 3



Who needs a penny?

Canada considers abolishing the penny, again.

Who needs a penny?
