What’s your magic number?
Our exclusive calculations reveal how much you’ll need to retire—and show you how to get there.
Our exclusive calculations reveal how much you’ll need to retire—and show you how to get there.
Flipping condos to make a quick buck? That’s a game for speculators. But with interest rates at all-time lows,...
If you’re considering buying an income property during your retirement, think carefully before you do so. As long-time property...
What return will you need to make an income property worthwhile? Here are two metrics to consider.
Inflation may soon breathe fire on your retirement savings, and traditional portfolios of stocks and bonds are at risk....
Your retirement income will come from a variety of sources: government, pensions, your portfolio, part-time work, and maybe even...
Seniors who need specialized health care typically pay for it with savings or home equity. Now long-term care insurance...
Images of smiling silver-haired couples on sun-kissed beaches don’t reflect reality. Today, retirement is not about a permanent vacation:...
If you use a 4% initial withdrawal rate, you’ll need a nest egg 25 times the annual amount you...