
Articles By David Hodges:

April 2015

Women lie, men lie more

Financial infidelity is common in relationships but men are more willing to deceive

Women lie, men lie more

February/March 2013

Surprising truths about your RRSP

Unfortunately, much of what you've heard about RRSPs is just plain wrong

Surprising truths about your RRSP

Credit Cards

Want a lower credit card rate?

All you've got to do is ask

Want a lower credit card rate?


Find out if you have a secret car warranty

With a little bit of research you may find out that next car repair is free

Find out if you have a secret car warranty

February/March 2015

The RRSP advantage

With the government hinting it will double contribution room, everyone’s talking TFSAs. But the good old RRSP is still...

The RRSP advantage

January 2015

Medical expenses that aren’t covered

Never assume all products and services are free

Medical expenses that aren’t covered


Occupations with the highest home-ownership rates

You might be surprised to learn that artists aren’t starving after all

Occupations with the highest home-ownership rates

Financial Planning

The All-Canadian Wealth Test

Are you middle class? Peek inside the wallets of your neighbours, co-workers and friends and take the wealth test...

The All-Canadian Wealth Test


The cost of living in the suburbs

Average house prices drop surprisingly quickly with every extra minute of driving from downtown

The cost of living in the suburbs