
Articles By Debbie Stanley, TEP, MTI:

A toddler plays with a doll house to symbolize owning a home, after inheriting it from the grandparents.

Ask MoneySense

Can I leave a house to minor children?

When preparing your estate plan, does it make sense to leave property to minor-aged children?

Can I leave a house to minor children?
A couple are looking at a photo book, as they clear up the home of a family member. They're also at the stage of wondering the next steps, including who will pay for the mortgage

Estate Planning

Is the family responsible to pay the mortgage for a loved one who has passed away?

When a home owner dies with money owing on the property, the type of ownership determines who is accountable...

Is the family responsible to pay the mortgage for a loved one who has passed away?
Hello name stickers alongside markers, to symbolize a beneficiary deciding on the name to write down

Ask MoneySense

Is a name change on a will a game-changer?

Creating a will is a good thing to do. It dots the Is and crosses the Ts. But what...

Is a name change on a will a game-changer?
A woman in her early 50s sits at the head of a dinner table raising a glass to friends and family.


How does an executor pay estate expenses during the probate process?

An executor is expected to pay the expenses of an estate on time, but what happens if the estate...

How does an executor pay estate expenses during the probate process?
A young man sits a table with his laptop open, with an empty seat in front of him.

Ask MoneySense

What are the fees for becoming a joint tenant on a parent’s property?

In becoming a joint tenant, what are the costs associated with it? What impact would a death have on...

What are the fees for becoming a joint tenant on a parent’s property?