
Articles By Ed Olkovich:

Ask MoneySense

Property rights in a common-law marriage

First-off, depending on which province you live in, don't assume you have any

Property rights in a common-law marriage

Ask MoneySense

We have few assets. Can we skip having a will?

If you have kids, you need a will. Here's why

We have few assets. Can we skip having a will?

Ask MoneySense

The one thing your will doesn’t always decide

When it comes to investments, naming a beneficiary may supersede a will

The one thing your will doesn’t always decide

Ask MoneySense

Who gets what in a blended family with no will?

There are no guarantees of who will inherit the estate

Who gets what in a blended family with no will?
new will


What to do if you don’t trust the executor of a will

This reader thinks her brother will keep everything from their parents' will.

What to do if you don’t trust the executor of a will

Ask MoneySense

The difference between wills and trusts

Knowing the difference between these two planning tools is the key to a successful estate plan

The difference between wills and trusts
estate planning for blended families

Ask MoneySense

When a spouse is left out of the will

This reader's mother-in-law has no income—but gets no assets from her husband's will

When a spouse is left out of the will
estate planning

Ask MoneySense

What do I owe my step-children?

Blended families can have complicated estate planning issues

What do I owe my step-children?
new will

Ask MoneySense

Making changes to your will

Having the incorrect name on a will is common. Here's when updating is important

Making changes to your will