
Articles By Evelyn Jacks, RWM, MFA, MFA-P, FDFS:

Ask MoneySense

Can I reclaim the withholding tax on my U.S. stocks?

Taxation of dividend income from US stocks depends on where you hold them

Can I reclaim the withholding tax on my U.S. stocks?
Woman worried about financial problems. paying taxes

Ask MoneySense

Coming clean to the CRA

After not filing taxes for a couple years, this reader wants the best course of action to get back...

Coming clean to the CRA

Ask MoneySense

How to report capital gains tax owed on gifted shares

Ask a MoneySense expert, with the added wrinkle: What if you're a U.S. citizen

How to report capital gains tax owed on gifted shares

Ask MoneySense

How you’re taxed when selling a business to family

Selling a franchise location to a family member can get complicated

How you’re taxed when selling a business to family

Ask MoneySense

Pay less tax on rental properties

Here are the pros and cons of putting rental properties into corporations.

Pay less tax on rental properties
u.s. capital gains tax

Ask MoneySense

How can my stock losses be used to lower taxes?

And what tax forms should be used?

How can my stock losses be used to lower taxes?
A high-rise apartment building in Vancouver

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When two people are on a condo title, who pays capital gains?

Figuring out who "owns" a property is key

When two people are on a condo title, who pays capital gains?
cottage purchases capital gains tax

Ask MoneySense

Paying capital gains tax on a jointly-owned cottage

Do you pay when each person dies? Or when the cottage is sold?

Paying capital gains tax on a jointly-owned cottage
rrsp withdrawals

Ask MoneySense

Pay less tax on RRSP withdrawals

Live in the U.S. ? Income level and the state you live in affect taxation

Pay less tax on RRSP withdrawals