
Articles By Evelyn Jacks, RWM, MFA, MFA-P, FDFS:

Reporting the sale of a rental property

Ask MoneySense

Should I close my TFSA?

If you were born in the U.S. but now live in Canada and have a TFSA, here's what you...

Should I close my TFSA?

Ask MoneySense

A loophole to avoid paying capital gains tax?

Evading the tax-man isn't as easy as you'd hope

A loophole to avoid paying capital gains tax?
tax planning

Ask MoneySense

What are corporate class mutual funds?

You have until Sept. 30 to avoid capital gains

What are corporate class mutual funds?
capital gains


Federal budget: Dodging a capital gains bullet

Our tax expert crunches the numbers on a feared change that didn't come

Federal budget: Dodging a capital gains bullet


Budget winners and losers: Watch out for clawbacks

Our tax expert lays out the numbers

Budget winners and losers: Watch out for clawbacks


The winners and losers of the Canada Child Benefit

Our tax expert crunches the numbers

The winners and losers of the Canada Child Benefit

Financial Planning

Snowbirds! Beware of these new tax rules

Make sure your annual leave doesn’t exceed 182 days

Snowbirds! Beware of these new tax rules

Financial Planning

The real winners of the new Liberal tax policies

We crunched the numbers. Low and middle-income families will actually come out ahead

The real winners of the new Liberal tax policies


Tax deductions from investment expenses

If you borrowed to buy investments or paid investment counsel fees, you could save a bundle

Tax deductions from investment expenses