
Articles By FPAC:

Senior couple using a digital device in a living room

Qualified Advice

Investing inside a corporation: what you need to know

A Certified Financial Planner helps a retired couple understand the investing options available, as well as complications, for Canadians...

Investing inside a corporation: what you need to know
A father and a baby playing together on a bed at the cottage.

Qualified Advice

Questions about real estate, family, finances and more

Three situations: Renovating a cottage to build an inheritance, adding names to a property and understanding capital gains. And...

Questions about real estate, family, finances and more
person studying information on laptop computer

Qualified Advice

A guide to getting value from your advisor, and shifting to lower-cost investments

One option is moving mutual funds into lower-cost “D-series” or “F-class” versions to reduce fees while avoiding deemed disposition....

A guide to getting value from your advisor, and shifting to lower-cost investments
concerned woman speaking on cellphone and looking at laptop

Qualified Advice

What are the tax consequences of real estate joint ownership when one owner dies?

It can get complicated, especially if the surviving owner resides overseas—where that country's tax laws may apply as well.

What are the tax consequences of real estate joint ownership when one owner dies?
woman riding bicycle against coloured background

Qualified Advice

How is a RRIF taxed in the hands of a beneficiary?

The consequences of taxes and beneficiary designations on registered accounts like RRIFs can be confusing—and sometimes this confusion results...

How is a RRIF taxed in the hands of a beneficiary?
Senior woman sitting with adult daughter in a park

Qualified Advice

What to do with an extra $70,000 to fund retirement

My 79-year-old mother has received a monetary gift. What’s the best way for her to use it to supplement...

What to do with an extra $70,000 to fund retirement