
Articles By Jason Heath, CFP:

one hand passing $10US to another

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Tax planning for Canadians who invest in the U.S.

Tax planning for Canadians who invest in the U.S.
How much to take out of your RRSP in your 60s

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How much to take out of your RRSP in your 60s

How much to take out of your RRSP in your 60s

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How spouses with joint accounts should claim capital losses

How spouses with joint accounts should claim capital losses
A woman writes on a box as she prepares to move into a co-owned property

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Can you save tax by moving into your rental property?

Can you save tax by moving into your rental property?

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Could a line of credit impact my mortgage application?

Could a line of credit impact my mortgage application?
Senior couple using a digital device in a living room

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Financial planning in your 70s

Be mindful of these money concerns, even after retirement. 

Financial planning in your 70s
A young woman smiles as she looks at her phone, as she invests in ETFs for the first time.


How to start investing with ETFs in your 20s

How to start investing with ETFs in your 20s

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What to do with U.S. dollar RRSPs in retirement

If you already have a Canadian dollar RRIF, should you roll the U.S. dollar RRSP into the RRIF, or...

What to do with U.S. dollar RRSPs in retirement
A man speaks on this cellphone in a park

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Should this DIY investor go all in on this international ETF?

You can exclusively hold international ETFs in any Canadian account, without paying a penalty. But there are taxes and...

Should this DIY investor go all in on this international ETF?