
Articles By Jason Heath, CFP:

A man reads documents about his TFSA and other investments at work, as he plans his retirement.

Ask a Planner

A strategy for non-registered and TFSA accounts in retirement

Between a TFSA and non-registered accounts, what is the most tax-effective way to withdraw to fund retirement?

A strategy for non-registered and TFSA accounts in retirement
A middle-aged woman smiles as she sits on a couch near her niece

Ask MoneySense

Who to name as executor when family members aren’t an option

It’s not always possible or beneficial to name a family member or close friend as executor in your will....

Who to name as executor when family members aren’t an option

Ask a Planner

Are spousal and child support payments taxable?

Spousal and child support payments are taxed differently. And lump-sum payments may come with their own tax implications.

Are spousal and child support payments taxable?
A middle aged woman sits by a window in a cafe

Ask a Planner

Can an executor borrow money to cover probate costs?

Executors have a few options when the estate has outstanding bills and no cash to cover probate fees. Find...

Can an executor borrow money to cover probate costs?
A man in a suit sits in his office typing at a keyboard

Ask a Planner

The tax implications of working abroad for residents and non-residents of Canada

What taxes do you owe when working in another country if you’re a resident of Canada or have significant...

The tax implications of working abroad for residents and non-residents of Canada
A man in his late 50s lies on a race track with his arms stretched behind his head

Ask a Planner

How to use income ETFs for retirement income

Are income ETFs the right choice for retirees? And should you place them in a life income fund that...

How to use income ETFs for retirement income
A woman takes notes while discussing inheritance rules with an advisor on the phone

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When does the “plus 1” rule apply to a principal residence? 

There are tax implications to inheriting a second property. But in certain circumstances, you can have two principal residences...

When does the “plus 1” rule apply to a principal residence? 

Ask a Planner

What can I hold in an FHSA?

When the first home savings account opens later this year, investors will have many options to grow their savings...

What can I hold in an FHSA?
A mother and daughter are seated on a couch discussing plans for a disabled beneficiary trust

Ask a Planner

Estate planning and trusts for a beneficiary with a disability

When seeking advice that may involve multiple disciplines, including estate planning for a beneficiary with a disability, what type...

Estate planning and trusts for a beneficiary with a disability