Can you claim a principal residence exemption on real estate occupied by a child?
Jim has lived in his home, rented part of it to a tenant, and currently has his son living...
Jim has lived in his home, rented part of it to a tenant, and currently has his son living...
Old-school investors may find the capital preservation techniques they have relied on in the past won't work the same...
Paul and his wife have a non-registered investment account and want to make sure they are reporting the income...
Don wants to know exactly when is the cutoff for contributions in his wife’s case, and when to convert...
Narayan wants to know the best ways to save income tax, given the disparity between his income and his...
Any time a homeowner becomes a landlord, there may be GST/HST and income tax owing—and the amounts can be...
Several medical expenses are eligible for a tax credit. Here are a few Canadians should consider at tax time.
Adil is about to close on a home purchase and is surprised that his mortgage broker is asking for...
With just weeks left before the contribution deadline, a Certified Financial Planner rounds up key facts and common RRSP...