
Articles By Jason Heath, CFP:


Is it better to be an employee or self-employed?

Here’s a primer for Canadians on choosing between employment and self-employment for a new work arrangement.

Is it better to be an employee or self-employed?
Two women and a young girl laying cross them laugh while watching TV

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Borrowing from your HELOC to invest in equities

You can use a HELOC for leveraged investing. But what happens if you sell your home and want to...

Borrowing from your HELOC to invest in equities
A woman with her daughter and grand-daughter outside in the fall

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Update on bare trust tax filing rules for 2024 and beyond

Bare trust reporting requirements have gone through a few different iterations in recent years. Here’s where things stand for...

Update on bare trust tax filing rules for 2024 and beyond


What happens to an RESP for grandchildren when you die?

Opening an RESP is a great way to contribute to your grandchildren’s education costs. But what happens if you...

What happens to an RESP for grandchildren when you die?

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Tax implications of adding a child’s name to your rental property

To fully understand the potential tax outcomes, consider legal versus beneficial ownership, the capital gains inclusion rate, changes to...

Tax implications of adding a child’s name to your rental property

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A parents’ guide to home down payment gifts and loans

Many parents loan or gift money to their adult children for real estate purchases. Here are the legal and...

A parents’ guide to home down payment gifts and loans

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Which types of pension income can be split with your spouse in retirement?

Splitting income with your spouse can help you to pay less tax. Here are some types of retirement income...

Which types of pension income can be split with your spouse in retirement?
A woman in her late 50s/early 60s smiles, as her husband is behind her about to give her a hug. They're wondering about GICs for his retirement savigs

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Is now the time for retirees to sell stocks and buy GICs?

Is now the time for retirees to sell stocks and buy GICs?


The benefits and flexibility of family RESPs

The benefits and flexibility of family RESPs