Gifting real estate to your adult children
Consider the impact of potential capital gains tax, what might happen to the property if your child gets divorced...
Consider the impact of potential capital gains tax, what might happen to the property if your child gets divorced...
The idea is to split income, following Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, so the family pays less tax overall.
If your employer offers a matching contribution, you get an automatic return on investment that would be tough to...
Mathew wants to help his girlfriend kickstart an investing plan. Is gifting money for her TFSA a good idea?
At 58, Agatha plans to pursue a master’s degree. Should she use tap into her retirement savings to fund...
Set to start a new job south of the border, Justin will need to consider that registered and non-registered...
Sol wants to contribute to his grandkids’ future with annual gifts he’ll start now. What’s the best way to...
Scott is wondering how to split Registered Education Savings Plan funds between his children to minimize the tax payable...
Maureen’s husband wants to put a $200,000 gift from her parents toward their mortgage, but she isn’t convinced.