
Articles By Jason Heath, CFP:

house title


Why adding your kids to the house title will cost you

It seems to be common practice for seniors to add the kids to ownership of a house. I’m not...

Why adding your kids to the house title will cost you
retirement planning

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What taxes do my LIRA beneficiaries have to pay?

Be aware of tax bills

What taxes do my LIRA beneficiaries have to pay?

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Risky robos

Robo-advisors aren't dangerous but they aren't "safe" either

Risky robos
how to invest your money in canada

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How to invest your money in Canada as a U.S. citizen

Generally, Americans should avoid TFSAs and RESPs

How to invest your money in Canada as a U.S. citizen
tax deductible

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Are investment fees tax deductible?

Jerry pays a few thousand dollars in monthly fees but they may not be tax deductible

Are investment fees tax deductible?
capital loss tax deduction general tax form

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Capital loss tax deductions from beyond the grave

Yvonne's recently-passed husband had capital losses. Did she maximize the claim on his final tax return?

Capital loss tax deductions from beyond the grave
RRIF estate planning inheritance tax

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Gifting your RRIF to your children

Angie wants to give her RRIF to her children while she’s still alive

Gifting your RRIF to your children
pension buyback


Should you do a pension buyback?

It's almost always a good idea

Should you do a pension buyback?
senior retiree man planning for retirement

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The retirement reshuffle

How to rearrange investment accounts in your golden years

The retirement reshuffle