
Articles By Jason Heath, CFP:


Can you have RRSPs and RRIFs at the same time?

And more importantly, should you?

Can you have RRSPs and RRIFs at the same time?

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How to get the most out of the capital gains exemption

Not everyone qualifies for the lifetime capital gains exemption, but there are other options

How to get the most out of the capital gains exemption
A young man empties a lawn mower bag


Tax traps for the self-employed

Know your employment status to avoid a surprise tax bill.

Tax traps for the self-employed

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How business owners should time CPP and OAS

Deferring has extra benefits when you own a business

How business owners should time CPP and OAS


Everything you can do with your RRSP at 71

If you still have time, you should consider withdrawals before 71

Everything you can do with your RRSP at 71

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Maximize income splitting—years before you retire

Plan for your golden years in your 30s. Here are tips

Maximize income splitting—years before you retire
pension buyback

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Maximize OAS with a corporation

Gillian is facing major clawbacks. Here are solutions for her predicament

Maximize OAS with a corporation
rental properties

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Paying tax on rental income while living outside Canada

Ed lives abroad and wonders if he should contribute to an RRSP to lower tax on his Canadian...

Paying tax on rental income while living outside Canada

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Are U.S. stocks overvalued?

Rod is concerned about valuations on the S&P 500. Is a U.S. stock market crash imminent?

Are U.S. stocks overvalued?