
Articles By Jason Heath, CFP:


Planning for retirement with little or no savings to draw on

Planning for retirement with little or no savings to draw on
older couple enjoying coffee together

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“Where do we pay income tax if we retire abroad?”

“Where do we pay income tax if we retire abroad?”
A retired woman on a sofa reading a book


RRIF and LIF withdrawal rates: Everything you need to know

Most registered retirement savings plans are eventually converted to registered retirement income funds. Here’s what to know about RRIF...

RRIF and LIF withdrawal rates: Everything you need to know

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What to do if you overcontributed to your RRSP

If you’ve accidentally overcontributed to your RRSP, you may pay a tax penalty. Here are your options for promptly...

What to do if you overcontributed to your RRSP

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When are TFSAs and RRSPs actually taxable?

Here’s what investors should know about the tax payable on U.S. and Canadian stocks in an RRSP and TFSA.

When are TFSAs and RRSPs actually taxable?
A man works from his home office

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Work-from-home tax credit: What Canadians can claim

The flat-rate home-office expense deduction is no longer available for 2023. But eligible employees who work from home can...

Work-from-home tax credit: What Canadians can claim
Canadian working part-time in retirement wondering if he can collect employment insurance EI


How to qualify for EI benefits in retirement in Canada

Just because you paid loads into a program doesn't mean you'll get EI benefits when you retire

How to qualify for EI benefits in retirement in Canada
A man named Jing on his tablet at home

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Can you save on taxes by owning an investment account with your child?

Jointly owning an asset with a child comes with tax and estate implications. Here’s why it may not be...

Can you save on taxes by owning an investment account with your child?
A retired couple speak with an accountant about the tax implications of their inherited property

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How to calculate the adjusted cost base of inherited property

What happens if you inherit a property and have no record of its value at that time? How can...

How to calculate the adjusted cost base of inherited property