
Articles By John De Goey:


Why it’s time to raise the TFSA limit to $8,500

In lieu of more RRSP room, an increase to TFSAs would level the tax field

Why it’s time to raise the TFSA limit to $8,500

Financial Planning

Remember when fund managers were rock stars?

Why you don't see a lot of books on top mutual funds anymore

Remember when fund managers were rock stars?

Financial Planning

An investor’s guide to getting what you don’t pay for

You can't answer right if you frame the question wrong

An investor’s guide to getting what you don’t pay for


Seven investing rules to live by —in 2018 and beyond

Investing facts to know and resolutions to follow

Seven investing rules to live by —in 2018 and beyond


Dangers of expecting too much from the market

Don't make plans based on inflated assumptions

Dangers of expecting too much from the market
future investment returns probate fees


What’s tax deductible and what’s not

Planning fees and investing fees are not the same thing. Except sometimes...

What’s tax deductible and what’s not


How to choose between active and passive investing

Face it, we can't all be above average

How to choose between active and passive investing
value stock


The fallacy of a “stock-picker’s market”

Trading securities doesn't create wealth, it merely re-distributes it

The fallacy of a “stock-picker’s market”


Advisors don’t want to talk about cheaper alternatives

If your advisor won't talk about passive investment options, then maybe it's time for a second opinion

Advisors don’t want to talk about cheaper alternatives