
Articles By Jonathan Chevreau:

older couple dancing in their living room

Financial Planning

Fresh takes on the challenges facing baby boomers as they approach retirement

Our columnist reviews The Boomers Retire, a new book that fills the growing knowledge gap about retirement income among...

Fresh takes on the challenges facing baby boomers as they approach retirement
man sitting on couch reading paperwork


Is the Longevity Pension Fund a cure for retirement income worries?

A newly-announced Purpose Investments product targets the army of Canadians facing retirement without a defined benefit pension.

Is the Longevity Pension Fund a cure for retirement income worries?
man looking concerned while reading on mobile phone and laptop


Should investors even bother with bonds anymore?

Bonds brought investors a paltry 0.4% and 0.72% in the last two quarters of 2020, respectively, before registering negative...

Should investors even bother with bonds anymore?
real estate agent looking at floor plans on laptop


How much real estate should you have in a balanced portfolio?

REITs and REIT ETFs offer exposure to residential or commercial real estate, without the hassle of being a landlord....

How much real estate should you have in a balanced portfolio?
laptop computer screen during video call


How to master “core and explore” investing 

Pro tips for picking stocks and speculative investments, in safe proportions, within your portfolio.

How to master “core and explore” investing 


How to invest in cryptocurrency (without losing your shirt)

Our Retired Money columnist shares his own trials and triumphs with cryptocurrency. If you're thinking of dabbling in bitcoin,...

How to invest in cryptocurrency (without losing your shirt)


Recovering from GIC sticker shock

Retirees accustomed to 2% or 3% returns on Guaranteed Investment Certificates are now grappling with rates of 1% or...

Recovering from GIC sticker shock


How to make the most of your TFSAs in retirement

It’s generally better to contribute to a tax-free savings account than an RRSP as you approach your post-employment years....

How to make the most of your TFSAs in retirement

Retired Money

Should retirees speculate?

You can take on risky investments at any age, but you need be prepared for losses and have an...

Should retirees speculate?