
Articles By Julie Cazzin:


Should you break your mortgage?

Breaking your mortgage to get a better interest rate could save you thousands of dollars. Here’s what you should...

Should you break your mortgage?
couple at home reading insurance myths

Home Insurance

17 home insurance myths to stop believing now

We've sorted the misinformation from the truth when it comes to home insurance in Canada.

17 home insurance myths to stop believing now


When to prioritize debt repayment over saving

Lindsay uses the priority pyramid to find out how much money she has to put towards debt repayment or...

When to prioritize debt repayment over saving

Presented by BDO Debt Solutions

10 things you can do to save money and eliminate debt

Easy tips to get you started on your personal finance journey.

10 things you can do to save money and eliminate debt


Real estate has treated this investor well—but it’s time to diversify

Is going all-in on income-producing REITs the right long-term strategy, even for someone who’s highly risk-tolerant?

Real estate has treated this investor well—but it’s time to diversify


A TFSA plan to help fund retirement—without losing any sleep

Trading stocks inside Randall’s tax-free savings account resulted in some wins, but it took a lot of work. He’s...

A TFSA plan to help fund retirement—without losing any sleep


18 ways the federal budget will affect your wallet in 2019

A budget full of winners. Everyone from seniors to students to home buyers walk away with more money in...

18 ways the federal budget will affect your wallet in 2019


A TFSA strategy that lines Narayan’s pockets—not his advisor’s

He's enjoyed good returns, but Narayan may have too much exposure to Canada

A TFSA strategy that lines Narayan’s pockets—not his advisor’s

Auto Insurance

How to save money on auto insurance

A survey by shows 25% of drivers never review their policies—missing out on savings

How to save money on auto insurance