
Articles By Julie Cazzin:


Time to get on the couch

Diane and her husband are starting their portfolio over from scratch, but they are nervous about investing it all...

Time to get on the couch
mobile payment shopping


Canadians are choosing price over brand loyalty

Two-thirds would not pay more for a brand name

Canadians are choosing price over brand loyalty


Why everyone feels like they’re in the middle class

It’s misleading to simply look at an income bracket

Why everyone feels like they’re in the middle class
me and my TFSA


Building a freedom account

A sensible RRSP allows Austen Finlay to adopt a more aggressive strategy for his TFSA

Building a freedom account
toronto real estate


Is a foreign buyers tax needed? Generations disagree

82% of boomers support, compared to 69% of millennials

Is a foreign buyers tax needed? Generations disagree


Canadians are borrowing their way to ‘wealth’

And increasingly they are tapping family and friends for funds

Canadians are borrowing their way to ‘wealth’


An investment strategy for a six-figure inheritance

Is David on the right track with his DIY investment plan?

An investment strategy for a six-figure inheritance


It’s never too late to catch up on your TFSA

Experts think it might be time to weed out the speculative stocks in this late-blooming portfolio

It’s never too late to catch up on your TFSA


The family car isn’t feeling the love

A shiny new automobile just isn't the middle-class marker it used to be

The family car isn’t feeling the love