
Articles By Julie Cazzin:

Presented by BDO Debt Solutions

New rules of saving

Don't save for a rainy day. Here's why.

New rules of saving
retirement planning


New rules of retirement planning

The 4% rule is a lie

New rules of retirement planning


Why accident insurance isn’t worth the cost

Unless you meet the criteria exactly, it never pays out

Why accident insurance isn’t worth the cost


Rebuilding an RESP from scratch

Jillian Reichmann wants a low-cost portfolio to grow her daughters’ education savings

Rebuilding an RESP from scratch
car insurance premium


How to cut your auto insurance costs

Two tips from a car coverage professional

How to cut your auto insurance costs

Financial Planning

Do we really need a will right now?

If Shannon and Marcin don't appoint guardians for their kids, the courts will do it for them

Do we really need a will right now?
estate planning

Financial Planning

Sharing the wealth

Francine wants to sell her business and be fair to her kids in the will

Sharing the wealth

Financial Planning

A portfolio built to minimize taxes

Marie Lewis wants to minimize taxes on savings and grow the pension money in her LIRA

A portfolio built to minimize taxes

Financial Planning

How homemade pizza can tame bad money habits

3 money lessons from Bruce Sellery's "Moolala"

How homemade pizza can tame bad money habits