
Articles By Special to MoneySense:


Liberal government to update Canada’s family laws

Proposed changes aim to put children first in divorce proceedings

Liberal government to update Canada’s family laws

Ask MoneySense

How to stop paying high fees on bank stocks

Our bank advisor is bleeding us on bank stock fees. How do I make it stop?

How to stop paying high fees on bank stocks


The big (shrinking) short list

15 Canadian stocks with declining short positions

The big (shrinking) short list


What to do if the CRA audits you

Increases in medical or child care costs may trigger a review

What to do if the CRA audits you


9 things to always buy at Dollarama

It may take a little digging, but there are serious savings to be had at this discount superstore

9 things to always buy at Dollarama

Financial Planning

How this retiree spends $1,100 a week

It’s hard but not impossible to change your lifestyle at 68

How this retiree spends $1,100 a week

Real Estate

Longtime Vancouver home owners can’t afford tax hike

Some owners purchased their homes in the 70s

Longtime Vancouver home owners can’t afford tax hike


15 U.S. stocks to escape volatility

We hunt for stocks to escape stomach fluctuations during turbulent markets

15 U.S. stocks to escape volatility

Ask MoneySense

Should we cash in our whole life policies and invest?

Whole life is like a GIC with free life insurance if held long enough

Should we cash in our whole life policies and invest?