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Who pays tax on cash gifts in Canada?

Want to give or loan money to your children? Here are the factors that determine who pays tax in...

Who pays tax on cash gifts in Canada?

Ask a Planner

Can you decline or step down as power of attorney in Canada?

Power of attorney compensation can be high, but the role can be a lot of work. Here’s what happens...

Can you decline or step down as power of attorney in Canada?

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How RRIF withdrawals work when you have multiple registered accounts

Canadians must begin taking RRIF withdrawals the year after converting an RRSP. What happens if you convert only part...

How RRIF withdrawals work when you have multiple registered accounts
Canadian parents with their adult children, having a good time, spending money on a dinner, knowing they have money in the estate for their adult kids. Is life insurance the answer?

Ask MoneySense

Do retirees need life insurance?

A Certified Financial Planner looks at the different strategies to ask your own advisor: Is life insurance the answer?

Do retirees need life insurance?



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How to reduce foreign exchange costs using Norbert’s Gambit

Converting between U.S. and Canadian dollars can be costly. This technique can reduce the cost from 2% or more...

How to reduce foreign exchange costs using Norbert’s Gambit

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How to use FHSA and RRSP withdrawals for a home down payment in Canada

First-time home buyers in Canada can pull from savings in registered accounts to fund their down payment. Here’s how...

How to use FHSA and RRSP withdrawals for a home down payment in Canada

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How your net income gets calculated for tax and OAS

To minimize taxes and maximize benefits, learn the difference between deductions, credits and other forms of tax relief by...

How your net income gets calculated for tax and OAS

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What Canada’s deferred capital gains tax change means for your taxes

The federal government has made a last-minute change to its capital gains inclusion rate increase. However, other tax changes...

What Canada’s deferred capital gains tax change means for your taxes


Ask a Planner

CPP for non-residents of Canada: How to apply, report pension income and more

A Certified Financial Planner explains how the CPP process works for a non-resident of Canada and if a return...

CPP for non-residents of Canada: How to apply, report pension income and more
