Should Kathy take monthly payments or the commuted value of her pension?
A lump sum could allow for some investment opportunities, but that option requires self-control to avoid overspending early in retirement.
A lump sum could allow for some investment opportunities, but that option requires self-control to avoid overspending early in retirement.
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For the best advice, visit an actuary. It will cost you more than a visit to a financial planner but you will get impartial, expert advice. As you note, financial planners are in a bit of a conflict of interest – if you take the commuted value, they will reap a percentage of your investment for as long as they manage your money. If you keep the pension, they get zip.
I would certainly think long and hard before cashing out an indexed pension backstopped by the federal government.
Pension advice is often geared towards men – but we women live longer on average. Unless women are in poor health, are expert investors or the plan sponsor is in financial trouble, it makes sense to keep funds in pensions for what could be a very long lifetime of steady income in your 60s and beyond.
There is also some research indicating that people with pension or annuity income enjoy their retirements more, as they aren’t constantly wondering how their investments are doing, whether the market is about to tank, etc.
Good luck with your decision.
Good planner, nice article
Hi Allan
You stated if you have the RRSP contribution room, you will be able to move the taxable portion to your RRSP. This money is moved from the pension plan right into your RRSP, but will still show up as a lump sum payment on line 18 on your T4A. You would then deduct the RRSP contribution from your taxable income for the year?
I think some people see it as moving money from the RPP to the RRSP and getting a sweet tax deduction, but the money coming from the RPP isn’t taxed going in, so it must be taxed going out.
Please clarify