Is this couple on track to leave their 3 kids an inheritance?
Bob and Janet are DIY investors seeking advice on how to reach their estate-planning goals. They can improve their already good financial situation by implementing some tax-saving and wealth-building strategies.
Would you not consider drawing down the RRSP/RRIF early before the taxable account to fund the TFSA, gift to the kids etc… Start drawing out the RRSP/RRIF once retired age 60 and 65 since every nickel is taxed at marginal rate while non registered is taxed at 50% of marginal rate. Move the excess into TFSA and non registered.
Love the ideas for distributing wealth before you pass.
I have always felt that was the best way to do it rather than let your net worth continue to accumulate. Well done.
It would be useful to “run the numbers” assuming at least one spouse needs to be in long term care. The cost of private, long term care can be $100,000 per year.
Well done with your savings and planning. I see no mention of travel or fun in your senior years. You have worked hard and you deserve to enjoy some of that savings. It’s great you want to provide for your children but remember to enjoy your retirement with your spouse. Also, long term care can throw a wrench into the best of plans.