
Ask MoneySense

Ask MoneySense

“We’re outgrowing our family vehicle, but we don’t want a minivan. What are the best options?”

Even though he has three years left on his current vehicle loan, Andrew wonders if it makes sense to...

“We’re outgrowing our family vehicle, but we don’t want a minivan. What are the best options?”

Ask MoneySense

Downsize, rightsize or get out of the market?

Mike wonders if he should cash in his big-city home equity for a golden retirement.

Downsize, rightsize or get out of the market?

Ask MoneySense

Ready, set…retire?

At 49, Simon has about $600,000 in registered and non-registered investments, and wonders if it's enough to live on...

Ready, set…retire?

Ask MoneySense

“When should I claim the cost of renovations to my rental property?”

Whether to write off the cost of renovations annually, or upon the sale of the property, depends on how...

“When should I claim the cost of renovations to my rental property?”



Ask MoneySense

Should James take a lump-sum pension buyout and invest the money himself?

Upon closer consideration, many people find that keeping their guaranteed pension payments leaves them better off.

Should James take a lump-sum pension buyout and invest the money himself?
Serious pensive business leader thinking over strategy outside. Young black woman wearing formal suit, standing near office building, touching chin and looking away. Pensive businesswoman concept


What is an EPSP, and how does it affect employees at tax time?

Corporations can choose to share a portion of profits with their employees by setting up a trust, called an...

What is an EPSP, and how does it affect employees at tax time?


Battle of the wills

Jack’s mom promised him a share of the family estate. But because she passed away before his father, can...

Battle of the wills

Ask MoneySense

“Should I sue for wrongful dismissal?”

Dave believes he was fired for disagreeing with his boss, and that he was shortchanged in his severance package....

“Should I sue for wrongful dismissal?”


Ask MoneySense

“Am I on track?” Krista, a 34-year-old Montrealer, saves $20,000 a year

Longevity runs in Krista’s family—so, although retirement is 30 years away, she worries about outliving her money. How much...

“Am I on track?” Krista, a 34-year-old Montrealer, saves $20,000 a year
