
Ask MoneySense

Ask MoneySense

Meeting with a financial planner for the first time? Here’s how to prepare

Talking with your partner about your financial future is an important first step; you need to be able to...

Meeting with a financial planner for the first time? Here’s how to prepare
A old man is seen sitting in a chair looking mad

Ask MoneySense

“What is my spouse entitled to if we divorce?”

While it may seem unfair that divorce law does not favour the party who didn’t initiate a separation, non-compliance...

“What is my spouse entitled to if we divorce?”


When your investment partners don’t play by the CRA’s rules

Marcus and some friends turned a profit on their investment property. Trouble is, two of them plan to keep...

When your investment partners don’t play by the CRA’s rules

Ask MoneySense

Playing investment catch-up

At age 50, Viki’s putting aside $12,000 a year. Will that give her enough to retire comfortably at 67?

Playing investment catch-up




How are jointly held investment accounts taxed?

Joint ownership makes access to the investments easier by a surviving spouse, but requires diligent record-keeping while you’re both...

How are jointly held investment accounts taxed?

Ask MoneySense

“My car is a write-off, so why won’t my insurance company pay for a new one?”

It’s important to understand your policy—“replacement value” isn't the same as covering the cost of purchasing a new vehicle.

“My car is a write-off, so why won’t my insurance company pay for a new one?”

Ask MoneySense

Helping older relatives with money management

Angela's in-laws are living with her, and claim they don’t have enough money to pay their fair share of...

Helping older relatives with money management

Ask MoneySense

Should you add your grandkids as joint tenants on stocks?

Avoiding probate is one advantage.

Should you add your grandkids as joint tenants on stocks?


Ask MoneySense

How moving to the U.S. affects your Couch Potato strategy

Canadians who move to the United States need to think about shifting their asset allocation, as well as closing...

How moving to the U.S. affects your Couch Potato strategy
