
Ask MoneySense

Ask MoneySense

Investing tips for expectant parents

Dario and Brianna estimate they’ll have $10,000 a year to put towards retirement savings, their child’s education or paying...

Investing tips for expectant parents

Ask MoneySense

How to leave money to an adult child with no investing know-how

Dee wants to ensure that her son receives a regular monthly income, while protecting the lump sum of his...

How to leave money to an adult child with no investing know-how

Ask MoneySense

Getting a head start on their golden years

Tim is 47, and his wife is 46. They’re aggressively paying off their mortgage and will have defined benefit...

Getting a head start on their golden years

Ask MoneySense

What does fire insurance on a vehicle actually cover?

How your auto policy covers you in the event of a fire depends on what started it.

What does fire insurance on a vehicle actually cover?



Ask MoneySense

“Why is my own insurance company suing me?”

Tim was involved in a car accident after having “a bit too much to drink.” If his insurer can...

“Why is my own insurance company suing me?”

Ask MoneySense

Should you use TFSAs and savings to pay off your mortgage?

It’s important to consider whether your TFSAs are earning more than you’re paying in mortgage interest, as well as...

Should you use TFSAs and savings to pay off your mortgage?
A old man is seen drinking from a cup


Maintaining your asset allocation while you draw down funds from a RRIF

If you plan on managing your own investments in retirement, here’s a simple way to rebalance your portfolio.

Maintaining your asset allocation while you draw down funds from a RRIF


Could retiring at 61 significantly reduce your CPP benefit?

Ellen has contributed to the Canada Pension Plan for most of her life. She’d like to retire early, but...

Could retiring at 61 significantly reduce your CPP benefit?


Ask MoneySense

Do teenagers need to file a tax return if they work part-time?

Like many milestones, this one can be used as a “teachable moment” for kids and parents.

Do teenagers need to file a tax return if they work part-time?
