
Ask MoneySense

Ask MoneySense

Beyond financial planning: How to achieve the lifestyle you want

Newly mortgage-free, Mara is looking to invest $26,000 annually. But does that mean putting off life goals she could...

Beyond financial planning: How to achieve the lifestyle you want

Ask MoneySense

The fine art of rebalancing your portfolio

Rebalancing shouldn't be expected to boost returns, and even occasionally lowers them. But you should still do it—just not...

The fine art of rebalancing your portfolio

Ask MoneySense

What’s the best TFSA investing strategy for a young professional?

Semina paid off $32,000 in student debt and now wants to grow savings for her future, but isn’t sure...

What’s the best TFSA investing strategy for a young professional?

Ask MoneySense

How to understand your CPP Statement of Contributions

Get an estimate of what your Canada Pension Plan retirement benefit will be at age 60, 65 or 70.

How to understand your CPP Statement of Contributions



Senior couple talking with laptop computer

Ask MoneySense

Is moving $1 million out of segregated funds and into ETFs a good idea?

Sarah and her husband feel their RRSPs aren’t gaining as much as they should.

Is moving $1 million out of segregated funds and into ETFs a good idea?

Ask MoneySense

Important tips on leaving real estate in your will

How can Annie ensure her son inherits her condo mortgage-free?

Important tips on leaving real estate in your will

Ask MoneySense

Can you swing early retirement, financially? Try a “test drive”

Julie and Peter are on track to have $100,000 after taxes to spend in retirement. It may even be...

Can you swing early retirement, financially? Try a “test drive”

Ask MoneySense

Why can’t I get reimbursed for my Mini Cooper’s corroded footwell module?

The automaker, BMW Canada, does not participate in the industry’s arbitration program, but there are steps the car owner...

Why can’t I get reimbursed for my Mini Cooper’s corroded footwell module?


Ask MoneySense

TFSA is likely the best place for a university-bound teen’s money to grow

Should Marcelle's granddaughter invest a $1,000 gift in bank stocks—or is there a better option?

TFSA is likely the best place for a university-bound teen’s money to grow
