
Ask MoneySense

Ask MoneySense

When you should take a break from investing

With marriage and a mortgage on the horizon, Eric might consider pausing his Couch Potato strategy to focus on...

When you should take a break from investing

Ask MoneySense

Using cash for investments vs. paying down debt in retirement

Should Karen, 65, pay off her car loan or invest her $23,000?

Using cash for investments vs. paying down debt in retirement
A beach front view of a row of cottages

Ask MoneySense

Can we afford to buy a cottage?

When you're saving it helps to be focused on a goal, but Bruce Sellery says it's also important not...

Can we afford to buy a cottage?

Ask MoneySense

The right time to take Canada Pension Plan benefits

Steve is 61 and earns $71,000 annually. Should he opt to receive his CPP early?

The right time to take Canada Pension Plan benefits



Ask MoneySense

What are the pros and cons of investing in private REITs?

Jeff’s private Real Estate Investment Trust has done well, but he wonders why they aren’t more widely held

What are the pros and cons of investing in private REITs?

Ask MoneySense

A quick guide to how income distributions on ETFs and mutual funds work

If Steve sold his units just before the income distribution date, would he still receive an income payment?

A quick guide to how income distributions on ETFs and mutual funds work

Ask MoneySense

3 rules for maximizing charitable donations in your will

Mary wants to use charitable gifts to help reduce the amount of tax owed by her estate.

3 rules for maximizing charitable donations in your will


How will a pension buyback impact your income tax return?

Q. I plan to do a pension buyback for my service with the Government of Canada. Can I deduct...

How will a pension buyback impact your income tax return?


Ask MoneySense

Two questions about what the Honda CR-V corrosion recall means to owners

Q. I took my 2009 Honda CR-V to the dealer for an oil change and the dealer identified a serious...

Two questions about what the Honda CR-V corrosion recall means to owners
