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Ask MoneySense

What are your rights when your vehicle has a recall?

Steich is 300 km away from the nearest dealership and doesn't want to be inconvenienced.

What are your rights when your vehicle has a recall?

Ask MoneySense

Should I make both my kids executors to my will?

Andrew sees advantages to naming both kids but wonders if it's wise

Should I make both my kids executors to my will?
man sitting in field

Ask MoneySense

How to invest for an unexpected early retirement

Should Danny downsize, invest differently, or clear his debts?

How to invest for an unexpected early retirement

Ask MoneySense

What to do if you have too much money invested in one stock

Harvesting tax losses and deferring government benefits are two things to consider

What to do if you have too much money invested in one stock



Ask MoneySense

How should a young couple spend a $110,000 windfall?

Renovations, law school, or starting a family—what should they prioritize?

How should a young couple spend a $110,000 windfall?

Ask a Planner

RESPs and Canadian non-residency

Cara and her family are becoming non-residents of Canada. They want to know what this means for their RESP...

RESPs and Canadian non-residency

Ask MoneySense

Are dividend ETFs a good investment for Couch Potato investors?

Or is simply holding total return ETFs a better choice?

Are dividend ETFs a good investment for Couch Potato investors?

Ask MoneySense

How Raj and Marie can net $80,000 annually—for life—from their nest egg

Raj plans to stop working at age 60 while his wife, Marie, 55, will work five more years

How Raj and Marie can net $80,000 annually—for life—from their nest egg


canadian loonie


Selling your home to your kids—for $1

You need to consider if the savings for your child are worth the risk to you

Selling your home to your kids—for $1
