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Ask MoneySense

How joint property ownership rights work

What happens when the property is sold depends on how it's jointly owned.

How joint property ownership rights work

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Bleeding your RRSP dry to save on tax when you’re dead

Chris is retiring and living on CPP, OAS and her RRSP. She wonders if she should take more than...

Bleeding your RRSP dry to save on tax when you’re dead
young person piggy bank

Ask MoneySense

How should a 24-year-old invest a $500,000 inheritance?

Is investing it all in the stock market a good idea? Or should Eric consider a rental property?

How should a 24-year-old invest a $500,000 inheritance?
foreign currency exchange etf

Ask MoneySense

Should you invest in foreign ETFs?

For the most part, it's inefficient and a record-keeping nightmare

Should you invest in foreign ETFs?



Ask MoneySense

My parents are in their 90s with no estate plan. What now?

Nancy is an only child and her parents refuse to estate plan in order to reduce the taxes she...

My parents are in their 90s with no estate plan. What now?
grandparent and grandchild inheritance

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Leaving an inheritance for your grandchildren

Dan’s mother wants to use some of the proceeds from her home sale to help her young grandchildren save...

Leaving an inheritance for your grandchildren
couple divorced therapy sitting beside each other fast divorce

Ask MoneySense

Getting a fast divorce in Canada

After a year of separation, you need to move quickly

Getting a fast divorce in Canada

Ask MoneySense

There’s nothing stopping your spouse from hiding assets from you

Sorry, but communication is the only solution

There’s nothing stopping your spouse from hiding assets from you


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How single seniors can plan for retirement

Diane is worried about the prospect of retiring on her own especially given her limited ability to save

How single seniors can plan for retirement
