
Ask MoneySense

Ask MoneySense

How to prevent a spouse from taking assets in a divorce

Keeping your money in another country won't protect it

How to prevent a spouse from taking assets in a divorce

Ask MoneySense

Are U.S. casino winnings taxed?

Well, it actually depends on how you won them

Are U.S. casino winnings taxed?

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How to help a parent invest in their 80s

Beth is trying to help her mother decide what to do with the sale proceeds of her house.

How to help a parent invest in their 80s

Ask MoneySense

What’s the safest, most tax-efficient way for Jim to invest $500,000?

Try paying down debt

What’s the safest, most tax-efficient way for Jim to invest $500,000?



Ask MoneySense

Which ETFs make sense for an 18-year-old starting a TFSA?

Sam plans to match his daughter Alie's contributions for 20 years

Which ETFs make sense for an 18-year-old starting a TFSA?
what happens if your will executor lives abroad

Ask MoneySense

What can go wrong if your will executor lives abroad

Jay has named his two adult children to be executors. One lives in the U.S.—and that could cause problems

What can go wrong if your will executor lives abroad
osap repayment student loans

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Unpaid OSAP loans can haunt your credit for years

Here's what you have to do to qualify for better loan rates

Unpaid OSAP loans can haunt your credit for years

Ask a Planner

Tax withholding on RRIF withdrawals

Bob is concerned about the tax withholding on his RRIF withdrawals. He’s not sure he’s drawing down his investments...

Tax withholding on RRIF withdrawals


Ask MoneySense

Is investing 100% in an S&P 500 ETF smart?

Warren Buffett recommends it, but experts say it's better to diversify

Is investing 100% in an S&P 500 ETF smart?
