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Is it okay to retire with debt?

Steve has debt but also has a generous DB pension. Should he retire?

Is it okay to retire with debt?

Ask MoneySense

Borrowing to invest in an RRSP to avoid OAS clawback

Martin is still employed and wants to lower his taxes and OAS clawback

Borrowing to invest in an RRSP to avoid OAS clawback

Ask MoneySense

Does life insurance beat investing to cover final taxes?

This couple needs to offset $400,000 in estate taxes

Does life insurance beat investing to cover final taxes?


ETF or index mutual fund—which is best for an RESP?

The right choice is about more than just fees

ETF or index mutual fund—which is best for an RESP?



Ask MoneySense

Can I split my ex’s disability CPP and insurance settlement?

This woman is divorcing and wants to calculate what she's entitled to

Can I split my ex’s disability CPP and insurance settlement?

Ask MoneySense

Best time to lease a new car

How to time selling a used car and leasing a new one.

Best time to lease a new car
executor of wills and estates executor duties

Ask a Planner

“I’ve been named an executor. Where on earth do I start?!”

Executor duties can be overwhelming. Where do you start? Here's advice.

“I’ve been named an executor. Where on earth do I start?!”

Ask MoneySense

Saving enough money for full-time care in retirement

To know how much to set aside, you need to look at the bigger picture

Saving enough money for full-time care in retirement


Ask MoneySense

Should you sell mutual funds with DSC charges?

Katrina could lose thousands and wonders if there's a better way

Should you sell mutual funds with DSC charges?
