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executor of wills and estates executor duties

Ask a Planner

“I’ve been named an executor. Where on earth do I start?!”

Executor duties can be overwhelming. Where do you start? Here's advice.

“I’ve been named an executor. Where on earth do I start?!”

Ask MoneySense

Saving enough money for full-time care in retirement

To know how much to set aside, you need to look at the bigger picture

Saving enough money for full-time care in retirement

Ask MoneySense

Should you sell mutual funds with DSC charges?

Katrina could lose thousands and wonders if there's a better way

Should you sell mutual funds with DSC charges?

Ask MoneySense

Best way to invest RRIF money so it lasts

Step 1: Separate lifetime sources of income from investing sources of income

Best way to invest RRIF money so it lasts



Ask MoneySense

Should you probate a will that includes real estate?

These are the rules in Ontario

Should you probate a will that includes real estate?

Ask MoneySense

How long can term life insurance “terms” be for?

And do you need to take a medical exam to get insurance?

How long can term life insurance “terms” be for?

Ask a Planner

Are RRSP contributions worth it at age 70?

Shirley wants to offset capital gains. Is it worth it?

Are RRSP contributions worth it at age 70?

Ask MoneySense

How to get out of debt on a single income after a divorce

Adjusting to a single income, post-divorce, can be challenging. These tips will help you organize your finances and find...

How to get out of debt on a single income after a divorce


Ask MoneySense

How to minimize tax on the sale of a condo

The basics on how to lower your tax bill

How to minimize tax on the sale of a condo
