
Ask MoneySense

Ask MoneySense

What should Mike do with his $10,000 inheritance?

A retiree wonders if it's time to spend

What should Mike do with his $10,000 inheritance?

Ask MoneySense

How to stop paying high fees on bank stocks

Our bank advisor is bleeding us on bank stock fees. How do I make it stop?

How to stop paying high fees on bank stocks
taxes joint accounts

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Avoid tax traps when opening a joint investment account

Beware of spousal attribution.

Avoid tax traps when opening a joint investment account

Ask MoneySense

Have credit card debt? Raid that savings account

The solution is simple when interest rates are higher on your debt than your savings account.

Have credit card debt? Raid that savings account



Ask MoneySense

How to mix rental income and portfolio returns in retirement

This couple has no pensions. How do they balance assets and rental income?

How to mix rental income and portfolio returns in retirement

Ask MoneySense

Are segregated funds right for an 85-year-old?

Seg funds carry very high fees. Buyer beware

Are segregated funds right for an 85-year-old?

Ask MoneySense

Should we cash in our whole life policies and invest?

Whole life is like a GIC with free life insurance if held long enough

Should we cash in our whole life policies and invest?

Ask MoneySense

Catching up on capital cost allowance

Mabel has never claimed the capital cost allowance on her rental property and wants to learn more about claiming...

Catching up on capital cost allowance


Ask a Planner

Work abroad? Your income is fair game for the CRA

To avoid this, you need to break ties with Canada

Work abroad? Your income is fair game for the CRA
