
Ask MoneySense

Ask MoneySense

Do I get taxed on my TFSA if I give up U.S. citizenship?

TFSAs get good tax treatment in Ottawa, not Washington DC

Do I get taxed on my TFSA if I give up U.S. citizenship?

Ask MoneySense

Who reports capital gains if a stock is owned jointly?

When you invest together, you get taxed together

Who reports capital gains if a stock is owned jointly?

Ask a Planner

Avoiding tax and probate when passing down a rental property

Putting a child on the title of a rental house could be like playing a game of whack-a-mole

Avoiding tax and probate when passing down a rental property

Ask MoneySense

How life insurance can protect from debt risks

Using a personal line of credit to pay tuition could leave you liable

How life insurance can protect from debt risks




The best way to dump an advisor and mutual funds

How to sell your funds and become a DIY investor

The best way to dump an advisor and mutual funds


GICs have a hidden commission

How your advisor may be being paid twice

GICs have a hidden commission

Ask MoneySense

Don’t spend, invest—and other secrets from millionaires

How millionaires teach their kids about money

Don’t spend, invest—and other secrets from millionaires

Ask a Planner

Timing CPP and OAS with workplace pensions

Even if you expect a 'bridge' payment from your DB pension, deferring CPP makes sense

Timing CPP and OAS with workplace pensions


Ask MoneySense

Am I protected if my brokerage goes bankrupt?

Which regulators protect you if your investment dealer goes broke

Am I protected if my brokerage goes bankrupt?
