
Ask MoneySense


Ask MoneySense

Should I withdraw from my RRSP to contribute to a TFSA?

Think about your personal tax rate whenever you mull an RRSP withdrawal

Should I withdraw from my RRSP to contribute to a TFSA?

Ask MoneySense

TFSA or RRSP? Which is more popular & why

Investors are shifting from one to the other, due to its flexibility

TFSA or RRSP? Which is more popular & why

Ask MoneySense

Over-contributing to RRSP vs TFSA. Which is worse?

You pay a penalty either way, but RRSPs can work out better for seniors

Over-contributing to RRSP vs TFSA. Which is worse?
Woman worried about financial problems. paying taxes

Ask MoneySense

Coming clean to the CRA

After not filing taxes for a couple years, this reader wants the best course of action to get back...

Coming clean to the CRA



Ask MoneySense

Can my ETF pay me $3,000 a month in retirement?

Sorry, that's not the right fund. But there are some more expensive alternatives

Can my ETF pay me $3,000 a month in retirement?

Ask MoneySense

Can I cancel my mortgage life insurance? It’s too costly

Are there other options?

Can I cancel my mortgage life insurance? It’s too costly

Ask a Planner

Become a millionaire by investing the wage hike?

It's hard to invest money when you're making minimum wage. But you can make the boost add up

Become a millionaire by investing the wage hike?

Ask MoneySense

Can I claim capital losses from a stock in my RRSP to reduce taxes?

An investor lost money investing in BlackBerry shares. Now she wants to offset the loss

Can I claim capital losses from a stock in my RRSP to reduce taxes?


pension lira

Ask a Planner

Pension income splitting explained

The kind of pension that qualifies, when it makes sense to defer and the tax consequences to watch out...

Pension income splitting explained
