
Ask MoneySense

goalie defending to illustrate defensive stocks

Ask a Planner

When to load up on defensive stocks

Timing the market is difficult; instead, focus on your own asset allocation and risk tolerance

When to load up on defensive stocks

Ask MoneySense

What a ‘promise’ means in legal terms

Kathy was promised a gift in her stepmother's will. But the executor sold it before she could claim it....

What a ‘promise’ means in legal terms

Ask MoneySense

Withholding tax tips when unwinding RRSPs

How to plan around Ottawa's RRIF tax

Withholding tax tips when unwinding RRSPs

Ask MoneySense

Can a portfolio of just one ETF make sense?

A reader seeks an income-weighted all-in-one solution. Be sure to compare your options

Can a portfolio of just one ETF make sense?



military pension canada

Ask MoneySense

Can I receive a share of my ex’s military pension?

It depends—pension rules changed in 2015

Can I receive a share of my ex’s military pension?

Ask a Planner

How can I use my extra RRSP room when I retire?

You can't use up next year's room this year, but there are ways to put that room to work

How can I use my extra RRSP room when I retire?
gavel beside last will and testament

Ask MoneySense

Do my heirs need to be at the reading of my will?

This woman wonders what her sons and grandchildren need to do to inherit her Californian estate

Do my heirs need to be at the reading of my will?
Financial advisors

Ask MoneySense

Best low-fee mutual funds for seniors

Pay attention to risk tolerance rather than your age

Best low-fee mutual funds for seniors


Ask MoneySense

Avoiding Canadian tax on U.S. property

Sonja and her spouse are splitting their assets. Can she claim a U.S. property as her principal residence?

Avoiding Canadian tax on U.S. property
