
Ask MoneySense

rrsp withdrawals


How do I decide between mutual funds and ETFs?

It's a good question, but there are a few other issues to consider first

How do I decide between mutual funds and ETFs?
u.s. capital gains tax

Ask MoneySense

Will gifting a home avoid U.S. capital gains tax?

And how else can I save on taxes before selling?

Will gifting a home avoid U.S. capital gains tax?

Ask a Planner

REIT investing: The risks of chasing returns

This reader is happy with his real estate returns but not with his other equities. Should he transfer to...

REIT investing: The risks of chasing returns
RRSP contribution limit

Ask MoneySense

Should I over-contribute to my group RRSP?

Will I come out ahead?

Should I over-contribute to my group RRSP?



Ask a Planner

Planning through salary swings

How to best plan given uncertain income

Planning through salary swings

Ask MoneySense

Is it safe to have $600,000 invested in GICs?

Glenda is 63 years old and has all of her $600,000 in savings invested in GICs at her local...

Is it safe to have $600,000 invested in GICs?

Ask MoneySense

Am I entitled to my half-brother’s estate?

His possessions could be considered 'intestate'

Am I entitled to my half-brother’s estate?

Ask a Planner

The best way to use your RRSP to invest in real estate

Avoid the risk of real estate investing by considering these options

The best way to use your RRSP to invest in real estate


Ask MoneySense

Pay less tax on rental properties

Here are the pros and cons of putting rental properties into corporations.

Pay less tax on rental properties
